Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Switzerland(Geneva): Day 1

We arrived at 2pm on a Sunday in Geneva and we were greeted by my Tita, my two cousins, their boyfriend and husband, and my nephew. We rode in my cousin's AWESOME white Range Rover on a very short ride to my Tita's place where we stayed.

Fail OOTD picture! // Mavrick and my favorite cat in the whole wide world Tagay!

Gosh, Geneva's so photogenic my amateur shots don't do it justice.

The United Nations headquarters, just about 5 mins walk from my Tita's apartment...with a giant chair with only 3 legs! Right across the street from it is the ITU office which I spazzed over since...well, it's ITU and I'm a communications engineering student.

Typical houses in Geneva which must cost a fortune since it's such an expensive city.

Right after the long walk we had, we had salad, french bread and bolognese pasta for dinner! Yum.

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